Scissor Jack

Apply engineering to design and simulate a scissor jack


This is a short story of my first team work. This project started at Feb 2019 and finished in May 2019 during a university semeter.

Scissor Jack was a lecture project of Machanical Engineering Design course taught by Dr Hossein Navid. The purpose of this lecture project was to design and do calculations of a scissor jack from first steps of designing. Team members: Anis Azarmikhah, Hadi Farahmand, Samira Komeili, Niloufar Rahimi.

By a recommendation from a teammate, We decided to leverage our design and work on electrical scissor jack instead of using handle.

This project had several section, from very first steps of initial design to sketch in Solidworks and calculations.

We were good enough in different fields and because we supposed to learn during this course, we all involved in project but obviously different persons have different skills: Hadi mostly was so good in Solidworks; I worked on some Ansys analyses; Anis, Samira and Niloufar worked on calculations alongside with Solidworks sketches and “paper dictation”.

There is not much image for this project because I missed my hard drive before coronavirus and left files are mostly SOLIDWORKS files which right now I don’t have access to any SOLIDWORKS application to export some image and submit here.

Design and calculation of pins, shafts, gears, ball bearings, break and required force of electrical engine were different sections of this design.

Here is an image of the whole paper about our calculation which we submit as project result alongside with SOLIDWORKS and Ansys files:

Good luck